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Back to Sermon ArchiveNovember 24, 2020
The Pilgrims - WED
Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Thanksgiving Passage: Hebrews 11:8–16
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November 19, 2017
The Talking Table - AM
Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Thanksgiving Passage: Revelation 19:1–9
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October 26, 2016
Thankfulness - WED
Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Thanksgiving Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
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November 24, 2015
Protect Your Heart - WED
Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Thanksgiving Passage: Proverbs 4:23
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November 23, 2014
The Pilgrims, Squanto, and the Plan of God - AM
Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Thanksgiving Passage: Hebrews 11:13–11:16
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