Be Happy All The TIme! - December 27, 2015
Welcoming the King: The Angelic Witness - December 20, 2015
Welcoming the King: Let There Be Light! - December 13, 2015
Welcoming the King: John Makes Preparation for Christ's Coronation - December 6, 2015
Welcome, Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.! - November, 29, 2015
The Healing of the Ten Lepers; A Study in Thanksgiving - November, 22, 2015
Why I know There is A God - November 15, 2015
Welcome John and Donna Bishop! November 1, 2015
When a Good Man Dies - October 25, 2015
Thank Heaven for Little Girls!; The Resurrection of Jairius' Daughter - October 18, 2015
The Home Life of Jesus - October 11, 2015
When God Made the Rules; The Ten Commandments - October 4, 2015
Welcome, Dr. John Moore! - September 27, 2015
Who Are We and Why Are We Here? - September 20, 2015
Gideon and National Deliverance - September 13, 2015
Face to Face - September 6, 2015
Three Men in a Chariot - August 30, 2015
The Light in the Darkness - August 23, 2015
The Story of Creation - August 16, 2015
For Such a Time as This: The Story of Esther - August 9, 2015
At Home with Jesus - August 2, 2015
The Call of Levi (Matthew): What it Means to Really Follow Jesus - July 26, 2015
Ruth's Life-Changing Decisions - July 19, 2015
Fishing with Jesus - July 12, 2015
A Time to Consider Our Ways - July 5, 2015
Forgiveness, the Essence of Christianity - June 28, 2015
Maintaining Good Fathering Skills - June 21, 2015
Hearing God in a World That is not Listening: The Call of Samuel - June 14, 2015
Royal Advice From Father to Son - June 7, 2015
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: Freedom in the Furnace - May 31, 2015
Jonathan, God's Mighty Warrior - May 24, 2015
Parents and Their Children - May 17, 2015
Mary: The Crown Jewel of Motherhood - May 10, 2015
Josiah: The Bright Light in the Darkness - May 3, 2015
The Call of Moses: Taken from the Water and Set on Fire for God - April 26, 2015
Jonah: The Overwhelming Power of God's Love - April 19, 2015
Pentecost: The Day the Church Received Her Power - April 12, 2015
The Greatest Story Ever Told: The Gospel of Jesus Christ! - April 5, 2015
When the King Came to Us - March 29, 2015
Joseph, the Man God Uses - March 15, 2015
Jacob, Leah, and Rachel: A Story of God's Grace vs. Our Performance - March 8, 2015
When a Pauper's Lunch Becomes a King's Pageant - March 1, 2015
Unimaginable Faith: Two Fathers, Two Sons, and Two Mountains - February 22, 2015
Peter and the Miracle of the Aquatic Excursion - February 15, 2015
Au Revoir to My Mentor, Dr. Raymond Hancock - February 8, 2015
Jailhouse Religion - February 1, 2015
Daniel, the Lion-Hearted - January 25, 2015
Solomon's Magnificent Display of Wisdom - January 18, 2015