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The Principle of Substitution

Definition: sub·sti·tute - noun: a person or thing acting or serving in place of another.

Each year in May we hold an event we have entitled The Big W.H.O.O.P.  It stands for Whole Heartedly Over and Out of Prom.  It is, at its core, a way for our Christian teenagers to experience fine dining, dressing up in formals, limosine transportation, and a fun "after" activity without compromising their standards on dress (modesty), music, dancing, and promiscuity that often accompanies Prom.  It is, by definition, a substitute.

In our youth ministry we believe that substitution is a biblical principle.  God never asks us just to stop doing one thing without asking us to start doing another.  For example, in Galatians 5 we are told not to walk according to the flesh.  That statement is then followed by a list of fleshly activities.  However, God does not stop there.  He then says, walk in the Spirit and follows that statement with the "Fruits of the Spirit".  When we stop fleshly activity we need to substitute it with godly activity or we will go right back to our old habit.

At  Christchurch Baptist Fellowship we want our teenagers to make a decision to be holy.  And, we want to make that decision as easy as possible.  So, we offer teenagers a subsitute.  We are not just asking them to stop an activity, but to start another activity that will build them up and encourage them in the Lord.

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