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Sky Diving


May 31, 2010, with my wife and two boys watching, I jumped from a perfectly good airplane at 14,000 ft.  I wish I could put into words the experience of free falling through clouds at over 120mph.  It was amazing! Never have my senses been so stimulated or my mind been so acutely focused.

Before we jumped my instructor went over a list of rules/guidelines he wanted me to follow:
1. When we exit the plane look at the wing...make sure your head is back.
2. Arch your back
3. As we fall, bring your feet behind you as high as they will go
4. Keep your hands on your rig until I give you the signal
5. At 7,000ft stare at your altimeter
6. At 6,000ft pull the rip cord

At 6,000ft I pulled the rip cord...the parachute deployed...and suddenly there was incredible silence. The air that had been speeding by us was almost deafing, and now, in contrast, it was as if sound had disappeared as we floated under the blue silk canopy. It was peaceful...and oh, what a view!


Spiritual application for teens:
I followed the sky diving instructor's directions explicitly. I didn't ask, “why?”  I knew the instructions that he was giving me were for my safety. He wasn't out to hold me back, or ruin my fun. He was there to make sure I wasn't injured while experiencing the most thrilling thing I have ever done. is like sky diving. It is fast, and exciting, and a times it takes your breath away. God gives us his commandments so that we can live life to its fullest without being injured in the attempt. Following the guidelines doesn't take away the thrill, just the hurt. Peace is waiting for those who will follow God's commandments...and oh, what a view!

God loves you, and so do I.
Pastor Dennis



This is a brave young man! I appreciate his willingness to dare for God as well! God bless you Pastor Dennis!

Crazy! Awesome application, still crazy.

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