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How To Keep Your Decisions

This summer we found ourselves heading to Indian Creek Baptist Camp, and little did we know what God had in mind for us. The Sunday night before we began our nineteen-hour drive, we handed out prayer cards for each teenager that was going to camp, and our church members took all of them and faithfully promised to pray. Over the course of the next several days, God began speak to our youth group, and in a big way. To the glory of God at the end of the week, we had 7 young people trust Christ as Savior, 1 assurance of salvation, 19 surrender to the will of God for their lives, regardless of what that might be, 11 young people surrender to full time Christian service, and 7 young men surrender to preach. Praise the Lord! 

There is no doubt in my mind that over the course of the next several days, weeks, and even years, these decisions will be challenged. Dr. John Goetsch always says that when someone kneels at the altar to make a decision for Christ, the devil follows you down and kneels behind you, painting a target on your back. While our hearts are encouraged by the incredible decisions that were made, some practical application of these decisions is required for them to stick. Below, I have listed a practical guide on how to keep your decisions as given by a friend of our ministry, Pastor Mike Ray. I also took the liberty to add some application to these godly principles. Truthfully, these Biblical principles would be good for everyone to keep and practice on a daily basis in our Christian life.

1. Expect resistance – keep in mind that the mountaintop is always worth the climb.

2. Schedule decisions – Institute some basic schedules into your life. If you decided to have daily devotions, try using the principle of, “No Bible, No Breakfast.” Trust me…it works!

3. Clean house – Get rid of anything and everything that poses a threat to following God with all your heart.

4. Use the philosophy of replacement – This is best illustrated with music. If you decided to get rid of some ungodly music, you MUST replace this with godly music. You simply can’t just stop listening to music altogether, or you will once again fall back into old habits.

5. Don’t miss church on Sunday – While this applies wholeheartedly to the Sunday after camp, it ought to be a principle that we strive to live by every week as Christians.

6. Plan initial confrontation – If you made a decision that concerns someone or something else, don’t wait until that person talks with you. Take the initiative. Follow through.

7. Tell a leader so you can be accountable – Tell your parents first and foremost! I am more than happy to help with any decision, but they are your parents. They know you better because they’ve known you longer. Trust them. Obey them. Love them.

8. Realize you only have to keep your decision today – Little by little, inch by inch. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

9. Don’t be overwhelmed – Trust in God!

10. If you made a major decision, make it public – Simply put, if you got saved, get baptized. If you were called to preach, tell the church, and then volunteer in any ministry opportunity you can. Make it public!

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