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Attitude: Why It's Important

For some, attitude presents a difficulty in every opportunity; for others it presents an opportunity in every difficulty.
One of my favorite stories is about a grandpa and a grandma who visited the grandchildren.  Each afternoon, grandpa would lie down for a nap.  One day, as a practical joke, the kids decided to put Limburger cheese in his moustache.  Quite soon he awoke sniffing. "Why, this room stinks," he exclaimed as he got up and went out into the kitchen.  He wasn't there long until he decided that the kitchen smelled too, so he walked outdoors for a breath of fresh air.  Much to grandpa's surprise, the open air brought no relief, and he proclaimed, "The whole world stinks!"

Many times it is not our location/circumstances that stink, but rather what we are carrying with us; our attitude.  It would be impossible to estimate the number of jobs which have been lost, the number of promotions missed, the number of sales not made and the number of marriages ruined by poor attitudes.  But almost daily we witness jobs that are held but hated, and marriages that are tolerated but unhappy, all because people are waiting for others, or the world, to change, instead of realizing that they are responsible for their behavior. God is sufficient to give us the desire to change, but the choice to act upon that desire is ours.

What about you teenager?  How about our attitude toward school, teachers, parents, or work?  Though it is impossible to for us to tailor make our situations to fit our lives, it is possible to tailor make our attitudes to fit our situations.

Philippians 4:11...I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

Note: most exerpts taken directly from John Maxwells book Your Attitude: Key to Success.

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