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Our messages are available online! You can browse through our messages by series, topic, date or speaker.  You can also subscribe to our podcast using itunes or any other podcasting software.

June 28, 2020

How I Know There Is a God - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Psalm 14:1, Psalm 53:1, Ephesians 2:11–13, Hebrews 11:6

January 29, 2017

Working Through the Silence of God - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Matthew 15:21–28

August 17, 2016

The Jealousy of God - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Exodus 20:3–6

February 14, 2016

The Potter's House - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Jeremiah 18:1–6

November 15, 2015

A Personal God - PM

Speaker: Dean Miller, Sr. Topic: God Passage: Isaiah 40:12–25

November 1, 2015

The Goodness of God - PM

Speaker: John Bishop Topic: God Passage: Romans 2:4

November 1, 2015

God is Good - AM

Speaker: John Bishop Topic: God Passage: Psalm 34:8

July 26, 2015

The Face of Jesus - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: 2 Corinthians 3:18–4:6

October 5, 2014

The Glory of God - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Isaiah 42:8–42:12

October 1, 2014

Shew Me - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Exodus 33:11–33:23

July 30, 2014

The Unseen Hand - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Psalm 139:7–139:10

May 18, 2014

Touching Emmanuel - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Matthew 1:21–1:23

April 9, 2014

Evidence of His Fullness - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Philippians 2:5–2:12

March 30, 2014

The Mountain of God - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: 1 Kings 19:1–19:18

February 23, 2014

The "Arc" of the Covenant - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Genesis 9:9–9:17

January 26, 2014

Is God Real in Your Life? - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Exodus 24:1–24:10

January 15, 2014

Bored with God - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Malachi 1:11–1:13

January 5, 2014

Come Back to Me! - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Jeremiah 2:13

October 27, 2013

The Wings of the Wind - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Psalm 18:1–18:10

August 18, 2013

Adjectives That Adore - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Isaiah 9:2–9:7