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Our messages are available online! You can browse through our messages by series, topic, date or speaker.  You can also subscribe to our podcast using itunes or any other podcasting software.

February 20, 2020

What Giving Has Taught Me and Our Church - THURS

Speaker: Roy Carrizales Topic: Giving Passage: Colossians 1:17–18

April 22, 2018

The Vital Importance of Giving - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Giving Passage: Acts 4:32, Acts 5:11

February 19, 2017

The Forgotten Beatitude - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Giving Passage: Acts 20:27–38

February 19, 2017

Faith Promise Giving - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Giving Passage: Mark 16:15, John 20:21, Acts 1:8

July 8, 2015

Return to the Lord - WED

Speaker: Kevin Akana Topic: Giving Passage: Malachi 3:8–3:8

April 27, 2014

The Last Beatitude - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Giving Passage: Acts 20:22–20:38

April 14, 2013

Bringing Glory to God Through Giving - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Giving Passage: Romans 9:22–9:23

November 11, 2012

Give to the Poor and Pay It Forward - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Giving Passage: Deuteronomy 15:7–15:15

August 12, 2012

A Willing Heart - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Series: A Willing Heart Topic: Giving Passage: Exodus 35:21–35:25

July 1, 2012

Declaration of Independence - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Series: A Willing Heart Topic: Giving Passage: Proverbs 16:11