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Sermons from Joshua

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May 5, 2021

The Steps to the Victorious Christian Life - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 4:1–9, Joshua 4:18–24

April 4, 2021

Grace and Truth By Jesus Christ - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Lord's Supper Passage: Joshua 1:1–2, John 1:14–17

July 12, 2020

The Story of Caleb - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 14:7–15

September 22, 2019

Courage - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Deuteronomy 31:1–8, Joshua 1:5–9

June 24, 2018

Jericho: And the Walls Came Tumbling Down! - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 6:1–27

March 4, 2018

The Fullness of the Holy Spirit - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 3:1–17

October 22, 2017

Three Days Wait - AM

Speaker: David Burkholder Topic: Bible Stories Passage: Joshua 1:1–11

October 15, 2017

Aquila and Priscilla - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Bible Stories Passage: Joshua 24:15, Acts 16:31–34, Acts 18:1–2

May 28, 2017

Memorials: Part One - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 4:1–7

January 4, 2017

A Message From the Captain - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 5:13–15

January 24, 2016

Getting to the Promised Land - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Series: (in)FAMOUS Stories of the Bible Topic: Bible Stories Passage: Joshua 3:1–7

August 5, 2015

If You Know the Captain - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 5:13–5:15

May 17, 2015

Parents and Their Children - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Family Passage: Joshua 24:15

March 5, 2014

Belongingness - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 24:12–24:15

September 3, 2013

God's For You - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 10:7–10:14

June 30, 2013

The Failure at Ai - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 1:4–1:7

May 27, 2012

Memorial Day - A Day to Remember - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 3:1–3:17

September 18, 2011

The Gibeonites - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 9

May 25, 2011

The Game Within - WED

Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 24:15

August 18, 2010

How to be Successful According to the Bible - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 1:6–1:9

May 16, 2010

Spiritual Walls - PM

Speaker: Peter Mordh Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 6:1–6:5

April 18, 2010

A Brand New Ball Game - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 4

January 31, 2010

Cities of Refuge

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 20:1–20:9

October 4, 2009

Who Are You Hanging Around With Today?

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Joshua 1:1–1:9