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Sermons from Exodus

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June 13, 2021

The Friend of God - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: James 2:23, Exodus 33:11

September 20, 2020

The Seamless Tunic of Jesus - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 39:22–23, John 19:23–24

September 6, 2020

The Lord's Supper - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Lord's Supper Passage: Exodus 12:1–11, Exodus 12:42

July 5, 2020

Unto The Darkness Where God Is - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 20:18–21

February 21, 2020

Getting Used to the Dark - FRI

Speaker: Andrew Phipps Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 10:21–23

October 27, 2019

The Less Traveled Road of Prayer - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 17

October 2, 2019

Let My People Go - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 5:1, Exodus 7:16, Exodus 8:1, Exodus 9:1, Exodus 10:3

September 29, 2019

The Importance of Music - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 15:1–2, Psalm 30:1–4, Psalm 40:1–3, 1 Samuel 16:17–23

January 2, 2019

The Urim and the Thummim - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 28:29–31

December 30, 2018

Starting Out Right - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 12:1–2

December 2, 2018

The Lord's Supper - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Lord's Supper Passage: Exodus 2:1–10

April 11, 2018

Finding Your Sweet Spot - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 33:11–23

March 4, 2018

Lords Supper - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Lord's Supper Passage: Exodus 12:1–11

January 21, 2018

The Murderers, the Midwives, and Moses - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 1:1–22

November 26, 2017

Believe - Part Two - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 4:1–3

November 26, 2017

Believe - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 4:1–12

April 26, 2017

Displacing the Idols of the Heart - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Discipleship Passage: Exodus 20:1–23

November 6, 2016

Lord's Supper - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Lord's Supper Passage: Exodus 12:1–3

August 17, 2016

The Jealousy of God - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Exodus 20:3–6

March 23, 2016

The Truth About Lying - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Colossians 3:9, Exodus 20:16

April 12, 2015

Deacon Ordination - PM

Speaker: David Burkholder Topic: Leadership Passage: Exodus 18:17–18:27

November 30, 2014

What Is In Your Hand? - AM

Speaker: Dr. David Gibbs Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 4:1–4:4

October 1, 2014

Shew Me - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Exodus 33:11–33:23

May 11, 2014

Jochebed, The Mother of Moses - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Mother's Day Passage: Exodus 2:1–2:10

January 26, 2014

Is God Real in Your Life? - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: God Passage: Exodus 24:1–24:10

February 10, 2013

Having the Spirit of God - PM

Speaker: John Waterloo Passage: Exodus 35:1–35:7

January 2, 2013

Resolute in Our Resolutions - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 12:1–12:2

August 12, 2012

A Willing Heart - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Series: A Willing Heart Topic: Giving Passage: Exodus 35:21–35:25

July 22, 2012

Thou Shalt Not Kill - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 20:3

June 17, 2012

How to Practically Honor Your Parents - PM

Speaker: Sam Wood Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 20:12

May 6, 2012

In The Darkness With God - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 20:18–20:21

March 11, 2012

Becoming an Effective Team Member - PM

Passage: Exodus 17:10–17:13

October 20, 2010

What's That In Your Hand? - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Exodus 4:1–4:9

May 9, 2010

Who's Yo Mama? - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Mother's Day Passage: Exodus 2:1–2:10

February 21, 2010

God's Glory

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Doctrine Passage: Exodus 33:18–33:23