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Sermons from June 2014

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June 29, 2014

Unsinkable People - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Genesis 39:1–39:23

June 29, 2014

Station Identification - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Discipleship Passage: Matthew 16:13–16:19

June 22, 2014

Is Drinking Alcoholic Beverages Right or Wrong? - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Current Events Passage: Ephesians 5:14–5:18

June 22, 2014

The Ahithophel Story - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Forgiveness Passage: Ephesians 4:31

June 18, 2014

Behaving in Church - WED

Topic: Discipleship Passage: 1 Timothy 3:15

June 15, 2014

When All Else Fails, Come to Jesus - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Mark 9:17–9:29

June 15, 2014

The Perfect Father - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Passage: Matthew 3:16–3:17

June 11, 2014

A Life Worth Living - WED

Speaker: David Corn Passage: Romans 12:1–12:2

June 8, 2014

Lord, Teach Us To Pray - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Prayer Passage: Luke 11:1–11:10

June 8, 2014

What A Difference A Day Makes - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: 2 Kings 4:8–4:18

June 4, 2014

The Mysterious Young Man - WED

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Mark 14:50–14:52

June 4, 2014

Tips on Leading Children to Christ - VBS Training Session

Speaker: David Corn Topic: VBS Training Session Passage: Mark 10:13–10:16

June 1, 2014

With Our Lord at His Table - PM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Lord's Supper Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:23–11:26

June 1, 2014

The Perpetual Rest - AM

Speaker: Dr. Johnny Pope Topic: Daily Living Passage: Hebrews 4:9–4:10